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Source for version of extsql.h

/* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Software Workshop Incorporated 

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#ifndef EXTSQL_H
#define EXTSQL_H  1

#define PGSQL 1

#ifdef PGSQL
#define PGSQL_8 1        // only for 8.4 builds and above.


#include "postgres.h"
#include "libpq/pqcomm.h"
#include "miscadmin.h" 
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "tcop/dest.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "storage/proc.h"
#include "storage/backendid.h"
#include "libpq/libpq-be.h"
#include "libpq/hba.h"
#include "storage/pg_shmem.h" // ZZ shared memory
#include "storage/spin.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"

// need this stuff for PGSQL, mimics where stored in mysql (
// by default we are set for MySQL 4.x, PGSQL set for any PGSQL build where
// MySQL stuff will NOT apply

// NOTE variadic macros below, invoke with either '...' or '__VA_ARGS__' compiler dependent!
#define sql_print_information(str, ...)    elog(LOG, str, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define sql_print_warning(str, ...)    elog(LOG, str, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define sql_print_error(str, ...)    elog(LOG, str, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define net_printf(thd, x, str, ...) elog(ERROR, str, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define DBUG_RETURN(x)    return(x)
#define DBUG_ENTER(x)

#define NullS  (char *) 0

#define MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST &my_fast_mutexattr

#define pthread_mutex_trylock(lock) pthread_mutex_lock(lock)
#define my_free(x, y)    free(x)  
#define my_malloc(a,b)  malloc(a)
#define my_open(fileName, mode, flag)    open(fileName, mode)
#define my_read(fd, buff, bytes, flags)  read(fd, buff, bytes)
#define my_write(fd, buff, bytes, flags) write(fd, buff, bytes)
#define MY_WME  1
#define MY_NABP 1
#define MY_ZEROFILL 1
#define  MYF(a)           a
#define O_BINARY 0     // ZZ

#define FN_REFLEN  255

typedef char byte;
typedef time_t my_time_t;
typedef time_t MYSQL_TIME;
typedef struct PGPROC THD;
typedef struct show_var_st {
  char *name;
  ulong *value;

extern ulong Com_begin, Com_commit, Com_create_table, Com_delete, 
  Com_drop_table, Com_insert, Com_rollback, Com_select, Com_update, Connections, Questions;
extern int mysql_show_extsql(THD *thd, const char *stats_class, DestReceiver *dest, List *stats_vars,
                      uint stats_hourly, const char *wild, char *stats_order_var,
                      const uint stats_order_dir, const uint stats_order_limit, char *stats_where_var,
                      const uint stats_where_num, const uint stats_where_char);

#endif // PGSQL

#define STATS_DEBUG(Val) (Val & extsql_debug ? 1 : 0)

#define STATS_MAGIC_NUM  0x12345678
#define STATS_MAX_NAME         20   // max size of a Class name
#define STATS_TMP_BUFF_SIZE  2048

#define STATS_INIT_FAILURE     0    // define the start types
#define STATS_INIT_NORMAL      1
#define STATS_INIT_RESET       2   
#define STATS_INIT_RELOAD      3
#define STATS_INIT_CONFIRM     4

#define STATS_THD_INIT_NORM    5
#define STATS_THD_INIT_DB      6
#define STATS_THD_INIT_ALL     7

#define STATS_WRITE_RELOAD     1    // actions taken with reload file
#define STATS_READ_RELOAD      2
#define STATS_SECTION_HDR      23   // characters in reload file section hdrs
#define STATS_SECTION_BYTES    13   // offset to first digit in byte count

#define STATS_MAX_NUM_ALLOC    200  // max independent mem allocs we track
#define MAX_VARS  50        // the most unique Vars we can track

// #define EXTSQL_50      1  -- external define set during build during configure.
// #define EXTSQL_BINARY  1  -- external define set during build during configure.

typedef struct stat_vars {
  char *name;
  char *addr;

typedef struct stats_class_data { // keep this padded to 4 byte borders 
  char name[STATS_MAX_NAME];   // class name
  ulong *data;   // pointer to data area for that class
                 // 3-d array [instance index][var index][hour index, 0-summary]
  ulong *dataEnd;       // where does data end - limit check
  int maxInstance;
  char **instanceIndex; // indexes for named instances
  int maxVar;
  STAT_VAR **varIndex;  // indexes for vars, name & addr
  int maxTime;
  char *varList;        // NOT USED ZZ
  int time;             // the current time unit we are logging to
  char timeUnits;       // d - day, h - hour, m - minute
  char padd[3];
  my_time_t *timeLabels;     // absolute time for each time entry in data
  int lastTime;         // the last clock time we saw for data logged

// SHARED MEM -- all our global data
typedef struct global_alloc { // in same order as declared in
  char *extsql_class_list, *extsql_reload_file;

  char *statsAllocArray[STATS_MAX_NUM_ALLOC]; // used to track mem allocs for reset/free
  int allocIndex; // our position in the global statsAllocArray

  pthread_mutex_t LOCK_stats_load, LOCK_stats_clock;

  char *extsql_key, *extsql_users, *extsql_version;

  ulong extsql_active, // temp stop extsql activity, can be user re-activated by SET
    extsql_disabled,   // perm stop extsql activity, severe/license error, only cleared by server restart
    extsql_reload_in_progress,  // temp stop extsql activity during startType reset/reload
    extsql_debug, queries, connects, extsql_counter;

  char *varAddrTrackArray[MAX_VARS]; // tracks addr of vars of interest, speeds up increment search. 
  int   varAddrCount;  // how many do we have being tracked
  int lastMin;   // top of minute processing 


extern pGLOBAL Shared;

// FOLLOWING only used at startup, then referenced from Shared.
extern ulong extsql_active, extsql_counter, extsql_debug, queries, connects;
extern char *extsql_class_list, *extsql_key, *extsql_users, *extsql_reload_file;

int extsql_init_globals();
int extsql_check(THD*, int);

#ifdef PGSQL
int extsql_output_prep_2_col(char *col1, char *col2,DestReceiver *dest, 
                                    TupOutputState **tstate, TupleDesc tupdesc);
int extsql_output_2_col(char *col1Str, int col1Int, char *col2Str, int col2Int,
                               DestReceiver *dest, TupOutputState *tstate);
void extsql_output_complete(THD *, TupOutputState *);
int extsql_usage(THD*, DestReceiver*);
int extsql_enable(THD*, DestReceiver*, uint);
int extsql_reset(THD* thd, DestReceiver*, const char* conf);
int extsql_file_io(THD* thd, DestReceiver*, uint io_mode, uint confirm, char* reload_file);
static int extsql_output_prep_2_col(char *col1, char *col2, Protocol *protocol,
                             List field_list, char *fill2);
static int extsql_output_2_col(char *col1Str, int col1Int, char *col2Str,
                               int col2Int, Protocol *protocol, char *fill1);
void extsql_output_complete(THD* thd, char *tstate);
int extsql_usage(THD*);
int extsql_enable(THD*, uint);
int extsql_reset(THD* thd, const char* conf);
int extsql_file_io(THD* thd, uint io_mode, uint confirm, char* reload_file);

extern void extsql_inc(ulong *V, ulong C);
extern int extsql_init(char *, int, char *);
extern void extsql_prep(int *, const char *, char *);
int extsql_thread_init(THD *thd, int initType);
int extsql_read_section_bytes(char*, File, char**, char*, int);
int extsql_reload(int action, char *loadFileName);

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NOTE: MySQL® is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems. 
ExtSQL® is registered trademark of Software Workshop Inc.
ExtSQL is a separate product and should not be confused with MySQL
or PostgreSQL. It contains independently developed additional features,
released under the GPL,v.2.

©Copyright 1996-2009 Software Workshop Inc.